In our email info@articulosreligiososbrabander. It is possible to consult everything you consider appropriate: ask for photos of our products, prices of any piece of imagery that is made to measure, delivery time, etc ...
The telephone is still one of the most direct and fast media. You can always solve any question that may arise or make a purchase. Our landlines are (+34) 982 25 48 05 and +(34) 982 25 33 01 . You can also call us on our mobile phones +(34) 647 811 685 and + (34) 662 542 842 .
The ways in which we communicate evolve rapidly. Whatsapp and other instant messaging applications are very present in our society today. In Brabander Religious Articles we always want to be up to date with technology. For this reason we put at your disposal two WhatsApp numbers (+34) 647 811 685 and (+34) 662 542 842 , so you can contact us quickly.
In Brabander Religious Articles we try to be with the latest trends. We are aware that any company or organization should be as close as possible to its buyers of the Facebook Religious Articles Brabander.
In Brabander Religious Articles know the opinion of our buyers. The Twitter (@arbrabander ) of Brabander Religious Articles allows us to know their opinions first hand, to know when we are wrong and when we are right, to see us through from the eyes of our buyers.
Pinterest is a specialized Social Network in sharing images. On Pinterest you can find all kinds of images. In the account of Pinterest of Religious Articles Brabanderyou can find all kinds of religious images that we think will be of your interest.
Instragram is the Social Network with the greatest growth in recent years. The posts focus especially on images and photos. In the Intagram of Religious Articles Brabander account you will see publications of the articles in our catalogue.
Central Offices in Lugo:
C/ Primavera, 15 Bajo.-27002-Lugo,Lugo(Spain)
Phone:982 25 48 05
Timetable: LJ 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
V 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Person in charge: BRABANDER 2, S.L. CIF B83352773 - C/PRIMAVERA, 15 BAJO -LUGO Registered in the Mercantile Register of Lugo Sheet LU-13232, volume 409, folio 59
The purpose of processing the data for which you give your consent will be to manage the data of customers / users who access the contact form on the website of the entity, answer their queries and / or send advertising products or services that may be of interest to you. The data provided will be kept while not requesting the cessation of the activity and will not be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation. You have the right to access, rectify or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected under the terms provided in the Law, which you may exercise by writing to the person responsible at the address of e- Mail [email protected]. You can consult additional information at